The 15 of September 2014 Swedvision delivered the second GeoTracker system to WSP Sweden. This system will be placed at WSP in Halmstad and will mainly be used for surveying in road design projects and data collection for road/street maintenance.

The system includes an upgrade with two extra SICK LMS511 scanners (total number of scanners in the WSP systems are six but it is possible to add up to eight scanners in a GeoTracker system). This new upgrade will give even more dense data and make it possible to capture data in higher speed. A new scanner function called “interlaced mode” also gives an outstanding point distribution.
Both WSP systems includes an OxTs Inertial+ 250 Hz that gives 250 position and orientation measurement every second. This is also a key to a successful data capture.
As if that’s not enough the GeoTracker system now have a new very precise odometer solution. This new solution makes it possible to measure and time stamp traveled distance with the incredible accuracy of 0.5 mm.

For more information please contact:
Swedvision Automation AB
Åkerivägen 2
443 61 Stenkullen
Phone: +46 302 51660